Apple cored: Samsung sells 10 million Galaxy S4 in a month

By Sizzling LEO on Thursday, May 23, 2013 with 0 comments

Samsung's Galaxy S4 has become the South Korean firm's fastest selling smartphone after shifting some 10 million units since its launch in April.

By way of comparison, Apple's 21 September 2012 launch of the iPhone 5 yielded over five million in sales in the opening weekend - although Cupertino did not reveal how many had sold in the first month. Taking into account Apple's last quarterly report, reflecting 37.4 million in sales of all iPhone models over three months, it would appear Apple has much to fear from Samsung's new model.

The S4 was intended to batter Apple's iPhone out of the $225bn smartphone market and will be on sale from 327 carriers in 155 countries by next month, according to Samsung.

In a release, Samsung said its "life companion for a richer, fuller, simpler life" is now selling at a rate of four per second, a record rate for the company.

"On behalf of Samsung, I would like to thank the millions of customers around the world who have chosen the Samsung GALAXY S4. At Samsung we'll continue to pursue innovation inspired by and for people," said JK Shin, CEO and President of the Mobile Communications Division at Samsung Electronics.

Samsung now has 33 per cent of the smartphone market, according to figures from the last quarter.

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